reaches top 10 of TechRound ParentTech23 competition

We are pleased to share that came in at a World Leading number 9 in the TechRound ParentTech23 Competition.

TechRound’s ParentTech campaign celebrates the entrepreneurs and companies at the forefront of parent tech!

Founded in 2016, TechRound is the UK’s best-known and fastest-growing startup and tech news site. It is where decision makers, investors, and startups of all sizes and types come to find out the latest developments and trends within the industry.

Feedback From The Judges

“The calibre of the award entries and the innovative concepts and ideas behind them were really impressive. Being a parent or carer comes with a myriad of challenging moments, so it was encouraging to see products and services addressing common issues that are faced throughout the whole mind-bending journey, from pregnancy all the way to the teenage years. I was particularly struck by the many entries committed to championing and improving mental wellbeing for both parents and children, and it was a pleasure to read founder stories similar to our own here at Yoto: of parents who were faced with a problem, and then inspired enough to invent a solution.”

 – Ben Drury, Co-Founder and CEO, Yoto

“I feel honoured to have been a part of this evaluation, gaining valuable insights into these companies.  Among them, Sense-IT Limited, Your Baby Club, and Edurino UK Limited stood out.  Sense-IT Limited with its development-based parenting guidance, Your Baby Club providing comprehensive resources and exclusive samples & discounts, and Edurino UK Limited offering innovative educational tools, were particularly exceptional. These companies excelled in an appropriate mix of necessary services and costs, addressing common parenting challenges. I believe these are vital to the needs of modern parenting.”

– Vamshi Sai Boda, Chief Technology Officer at Young Creator

“I was blown away by the diversity of entries. It really got me thinking about the best way to critique and judge the entries fairly. So I put my mum shoes on. I was looking for simple, well-articulated solutions to everyday problems. Things that would really help me and other parents/carers. There were some teams that really stood out to me as being innovative and creative in the way they are going about tackling a problem and bringing their product to life. I also looked for strong brand identity. This shows a deep understanding of the target customer and tends to be a good predictor of future success, particularly for B2C startups.”

Charlene Mitchell-Hood, Creative Lead & Co-Founder of Sooper Books

“This year we decided to do prenttech as it is an underserved industry but one of the most important. Raising children and being a parent is one of the most important jobs in society and thus, it has been fantastic to see so many startups helping mothers and fathers on their journey, as well their children.”

– David Soffer, Founder & Editor-In-Chief at TechRound

“I was so impressed by the talent and creativity shared by so many founders in this year’s ParentTech competition. When evaluating the companies, I looked for demonstrated traction, potential social impact, and the founder’s fit with their market. I was also looking for depth of understanding and dedication to solving a burning problem for their end users. Congratulations to all the companies who participated – you are doing such important work!”

– Silvia de Denaro Vieira, CEO and Co-Founder, Coexist 

See The Top 23 – Here >>

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