Our Inspirational Visit to Flackstock  

Flackstock stage shot

Yesterday, we experienced something truly special, a day that will forever be etched in our hearts. We were fortunate (thanks @SkyTV) to attend Flackstock, a festival like no other, dedicated to celebrating life and love and raising awareness for mental health. This incredible event, born out of love and remembrance for Caroline Flack, is a testament to the power of community and the importance of early intervention in mental health. 

The Heart of Flackstock: Early Intervention and Support 

As we walked through the fields of Englefield House, the resounding message was clear – if your mental health is suffering, seek help early. There is always another way, and there are places and people ready to support you. Speaking with representatives from Mind and Samaritans, we were reminded of the crucial need for early intervention and that there is always someone to talk to.  

No parent, family member, or friend should ever have to witness a loved one reach a crisis point or, as Caroline’s mum said, ‘her worst nightmare’. It was heartbreaking. 

Are you ok? 

One of the most impactful moments was hearing celebrities in the limelight ask a simple yet profound question: “Are you ok?” It set a powerful example for future generations, emphasising the importance of checking in with one another and offering support. The sense of unity and compassion felt through Flackstock was genuinely inspiring. 

Flackstock was filled with unforgettable moments. From firm favourite Gok Wan’s and @thekatelawler‘s energetic tunes to Chesney Hawkes’ brilliance, the rainbow of the @neptuneschoir and the amazing Carol Decker. The festival offered something for everyone. The highlight for us was Olly Murs’ emotional rendition of “Sweet Caroline,” a moment that united the crowd in a collective embrace of love and remembrance for beautiful Caroline. 

We sat on beanbags and coloured with Mind Charity, added our Uplifting Tunes and quotes to the Samaritans ‘mood-bosting’ Spotify playlist and sang Carrie-Oke in the ADHDAF tent, a beautiful, sparkly den with an uplifting vibe.  

The emotional yet loving atmosphere of the festival was palpable, creating an environment where everyone felt included, supported, and cherished. It was beautiful. 

Until Next Year, Flackstockers 

As we reflect on our time at Flackstock, we are filled with gratitude and hope. Mental Health is our ‘why’ we do what we do. Flackstock really is the most incredible, beautiful experience – it is so much more than just an event; it is a movement dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and early intervention; get yourself along next year; it’ll ignite something wonderful in you. …and in the words of the founders, ‘ Until next year, Flackstockers – stay kind, stay supportive, and always remember to check in on each other.’ 

Sign up for alerts for next year at www.flackstock.com 

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