Why I created Lumii.me?

Why I created Lumii.me?

My name is Laura, and I am one of the co-founders of Lumii.me. This journey is deeply personal to me. In January 2022, my seven-year-old child confided in me about a traumatic event that profoundly impacted his emotional wellbeing. Overnight, he became fearful, refusing to attend school and exhibiting behaviors that mirrored the distress he was experiencing. Despite my efforts as a concerned mother and former teacher, the support from the school was inadequate. They misinterpreted his emotional struggles, attributing them to parental conflicts rather than addressing the trauma he had endured.

As my son’s mental health continued to deteriorate, I found myself in an ongoing battle to secure the support he desperately needed. The journey was marked by repeated rejections from mental health services, misinterpretations of his condition, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. The tipping point came in March 2023, when my son, at just eight years old, expressed thoughts of suicide. The pain of seeing my child reach such a crisis point, coupled with the lack of adequate support, was indescribable.

Despite my repeated pleas for help, it felt like we were entirely on our own—mother and son, isolated from the world and grappling with a situation that no family should ever have to face. It was during this dark period that I realized the critical need for a tool that could provide real-time, proactive mental health support within schools, a tool that could prevent other children from enduring the same suffering.

With the support of my friends, family, and a dedicated Family Intervention Worker, my son began his slow but steady recovery. He enrolled in a new school where he was finally valued, listened to, and supported. This experience solidified my resolve to create something that could help other children avoid the same ordeal.

I approached my colleagues Paul Massey and Mark Beedles, co-founders of rTriibe and forward thinkers in the educational sector, to share my vision. Together, we developed Lumii.me—a powerful tool designed to empower schools to positively impact their students’ mental wellbeing. Lumii.me is not just an app; it’s a lifeline for students, a proactive solution that ensures every child’s voice is heard and their mental health is prioritized.

Join Us in Making a Difference

My personal journey highlighted the urgent need for better mental health support in schools. Lumii.me was created to meet this need. I urge educators, parents, and school communities to explore Lumii.me and discover how it can help create a supportive and nurturing environment for every child. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and ensure that no child is ever left to struggle alone.

Email me Laura@lumii.me

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